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I An ordinary meeting of the Sydenham ißorough Council was held last evening, ■when there were present his Worship the mayor (Mr W. Langdown), and Crs. Forfaster, Booth, and T. E. Taylor. 1 A letter was read from the Returning Officer (Mr C. Allison, iun.), notifying the result of the election of Councillors. Messrs Gledhlll, Smith, and Hopper, the i newly elected Councillors, made the usual '. declaration, and took their seats. :, Leave of absence was granted to Crs. .Jacques and White on account of illness, i The Mayor stated that the Headmaster '.of the Public School had informed him jthat he had had to practically shut 130 ,Children out of the school that day on iccount of want of room. He suggested mat the Board or the Government be Written to on the subject, if Cr. Forrester explained that the School I Qbmmittee were negotiating for the hire of ■{building to provide further accommodatlbn. He did not think that any good purpose would be served at present by writing tf the Board,* as the matter was under consideration. Mayor said that was all very well for a temporary measure, but his opinion was that by-and-bye the boroughs would be called upon to build for their own schools. §r. Taylor moved as follows:—" That the Town Clerk be instructed to write to thA' hon. the Minister of Education calling his attention to the fact that the Sydenham School Committee are so pressed, so far as providing accommodation for the scholars is concerned, that they are under the necessity of engaging various buildings in the vicinity of the school, and call the attention of the Government to the urgent necessity which •kisfcs for providing the necessary aoSDinmodation." ' Cr. Smith seconded the motion, which <vas agreed to. i A letter was received from Mr C. A. Sawen, suggesting that tbe name of Waltjham road be changed to Langdown street in recognition of the services of his JWorablp the Mayor. 1 Cr. Booth moved—" That the suggestion contained In Mr Gawen's letter be mdopted." He spoke strongly in favor of thegmotion. Cr. Taylor seconded the motion, which was agreed to. : Tbe Finance Committee reported that tbe receipts during the last fortnight had been—General account, -U42 7s lid; separate account (rates), £137 5s Qd: Interest account (rent of reserves), #5_ 8s 2d: total, £33119« 7d. Accounts to the amount of £687 6s 6d were recommended to be pawed for payment. The proposal to annex R.S. 164 to Sydenham would be out unless a counter petition from the ratepayers of Sydenham was sent to the Government before October 91st next. ®he Committee at present could not ace Any benefit to the borough to accrue by the proposed annexation, They recommended that a reply be seat >o the South? land County Council's circular re Charitable Aid BUI to the effect that the Council did not agree with the ifecommendatlons made. , The report was adopted, ? The Streets Naming Conxmittearecon-* mended that public notice be given in accordance with by-law 2, clause fl of the Intention of the Council at its meeting on the 30th inst., to make certain alterations Jin tbe names of streets in the borough. la leases where a person's name, after whom Ihe street is named, had been used in full, the title has been abbreviated to the surname only. Some of the alterations are aa under:—Lord St. Leonard street to Brougham street West, Cowper street to Milton street. Jubilee street to Barrio .street, Jacques lane to Irving "Poulson's lane to Drummond street, Pear cock place to Argyle street: Aynsley'a alley, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, to Hugh street, Percy street, Murray street, and Aynsley street respectively: Hyde Garden street to Braddon street. Several small streets la Addington and other parts of the borough were named. Consideration of the report was held over till next meeting. > Cr. T. E. Taylor proposed, and Cr, Booth seconded—" That the following be elected as Committees for tbe ensuing year:—Works, Sanitary, and Lighting— Crs. Gledhlll, Hopper, and Jacques. Finance—Cr*. T. E. Taylor, Smith, Forrester. Fire Prevention—Crs. Forrester, R, M, Hopper. By-laws—Crs. White, T. E. Taylor, Booth, and R. M. Taylor-r two to form a quorum, the first-named in each cose to be Chairman." Cr. Taylor explained that he- had not put Cr. Booth on any of the Committees except the By-law Committee, as it was generally understood that he was going to stand for the Mayoralty in November next. The motion was agreed to. Cr. Gledhill moved — " That the Drainage Board be again written to, re* questing them to abate the nuisancer at once caused by the sumps in the borough." Cr. Forrester seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Cr. Forrester gave notice for next meeting as follows:—"That the samof £1000 be transferred from the Interest reserve accrued on the loan account to the general account, and that so much of the ouncil's resolution, No. 8, of May 3rd, 1886, as may be held to conflict with the motion be rescinded." The Council adjourned at 8.5 p.m.

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7417, 17 September 1889, Page 3

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SYDENHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7417, 17 September 1889, Page 3

SYDENHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7417, 17 September 1889, Page 3