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Stabyation in Auckland.— A northern oontemporary, desirous of moving the loeno of a recent unpleasant occurrence, says:— " Tbe Lyttelton Times contains an account of an inquest held on tbe body of a man found dead in th. Domain, tha verdiot being ' died from starvation.*" We do not remember that our looal contemporary reproduced the particulars of this case from tho Auckland papers, but in any case, tho journal from which wo quote should not hsv_ omitted to Mato that the soene was the Au.kland Domain. Petition of thb Chbistch t/boh Hospital Stat*. — Tbo following resolution wsj adopted by tho Legislative Council on Friday—"That thero bo laid upon the table a copy of a petition or a communication sent to the Government relative to tho oaso of Dr C»rr pbell by the members of tho Christchuroh Ho.pital .tnff; nnd that tho Government inform tho Oounoil what stops they propose taking with roPr-ronco to this." SOOIBTT OP CABrENTBBS AND JOINBBS. — A mseting of this Society will bo held tomorrow evening. Naturalisation. — Lotters of naturalist. tirn have brcn issued in favour of Morris Frahvif, d raler, Ohriitohnroh. Railway Accident. — As the down train for Oxford was approaching the East Oxford railway-, tation on Friday evening, tho engine stmck a waggon wbioh was standing on the tidirg, and a heln wns knockod in tho watert»nk of the engino. The sides of tho carriages I were grazed, and one was jammed between the waggon and a pilo of sleepers just as the I engino was brought to a standstill. Boyond

spoiling the panels oi tha carriage*, no further damage was done, and tho p****ng*r* escaped with a fright. ApinquiiywMir-rieooß-TnT-day by Mr Owen, Assistant Traflo Manager* wbioh only proved that tho waggon had hoso allowed to remain on the siding too near to .fajunction with tbe main line. Obixuabt.— We have to announoe tha) death of another of tho old settlers of Canterbury. Henry Phillips, of Bockwood, who diod on Friday last after a short illness, wm hoad of one of tbe "pilgrim" familiee, having arrived at Lyttelton in the Sir George Bey> mour in December, 1850. Early in 1858 be settled at Rockwood, where his genial hofpi* tality soon made tbat homestead a household word with visitors to tho Colony. Of late years Mr Phillips, who was an eothusian&o angler, devoted much attention to theoulturo of fisb, and in thia useful occupation ho wm highly suooessiul, M the streams in his ndgb* bourhood can abundantly testify. He wm one of tbe oldest magistrates in the Oolony, and though not a publio man in tbo ordinary acceptation of the term, will carry with hia the regretful affection of a very large number ot true friends. U-fITID Oaiitbbbubt Cbicxbt Cxttb.—The annual general meeting of the TJX3O.O, wm held at Radoliffe'a Hotel oa Saturday evening, Mr H. W. Moon in tho ohair. Mr Condell, who acted as secretary in the ab**no* of Mr Stevens, stated that tha report and balance-sheet which are usually preernted at the annual general meeting had Men brought up at a speoial general meeting held on Just 2. Tho following gentlemen were elected officers of the olub for the season 1877-78 :— President, Mr H. P. Lance i Vice-President, Mr 0. 0. Corfe; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr T. D. Condell ; Committee, Messrs H. W. Moore, W. F. Neilson, A. M. Ollivier, E. Pa*. kerson, H. H. Secretan, E. 0. J- Btevens, A. O. Wilton. The following sew members woro elected r— Messrs E. Oook, E. G. Hawks*, L. Hawkes, E. Peter. Paul, L. O. Math***, A. B. J. Johnston, T. Skelton, W. H. Byme*, MJ)_, U. L. Dickinson, S. 8. Revans. On tho motion of Mr Ollivier, seoonded by Mr Neilson. the following resolution was carried— "That it be an instruction to the Committee to consider the advisability of erecting a nam pavilion and tbat the Committeo he given full Swers to nuke the neoctaary arrangement*.'* r Neilson moved and Mr H. 00-terifl seoonded—" That this meeting beta to oall th* attention of the Canterbury Cricket As*oo_ation to the necessity of providing some aooommodation for ladies and visitors to the ground." After a vote of thanks to tha Chairman, the meeting adjournsd. Ltttbxoob. Rioatta, 1878 — A publio meeting, for tbe purpose of making arrange* ments for holding the usual New Year's Day regatta in Port next year, wm held at the Colonists' Hall. Lyttelton, on Frida* evwinf, His Worship the Mayor (Dr J. T. Boom) in the ohair. The Hon Treasurer (Mr J. 0. Boddington) read the balance-sheet of tbe last regatta, whioh showed that th* total receipt* of last, inoluding balanoe of £100 from previous year, had amounted to £516, exclusive of cup* valued at £73, received from the N*w Zealand Shipping Oompony, Mesars Shaw. Savill, and Co, Mr T. B, Procter, and Mr H.E. Nathan. The total value of the prise* given lost year wm £424, and thero wm now a balance of £43 3s Sd to the oredit of tbe regatta fund in addition to a cup valued at £76, whioh had been purohaaed by the Committee last year for th* eusuinr regatta. The Oommitt** had tb* «up offend them at the London invoice oost, and availed themselves of the opportunity to purohaee *o handsome a trophy on suoh advantageous term*. Mr Boddington referred to the very satisfactory financial position of th* Regatta Fund, and pointed out that last year* amount* both debit and oredit were considerably in exces* of those of the previous year. (Hear, bear). The balanoe sheet wm received and adopted. Mr W. H. Ey«s moved, and Mr Geo. Mackay seconded— " That the usual annual Regatta be held on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1878." Carried. Mr J. C. Boddington wm appointed Hon Treasurer for tbe ensuing year, and Mr H. 0. Jaoobson was unanimously elected Hon Seoretary. After torn* die ousiion relative to tbe ofiiee of Patron, th* following gentlemen were elected v aOommiU**: Messrs H. P. Murray-Ay nsley, H Allwricht, George Agar, J. 0. Boddington, P. Ounnlng. bam, W. Cameron, W. D*Authit ao, W. SC Eyes, J. R. Forbes, F. D. Gibson. W. Home, H. Hawkins, H. O. Jaoobaoo, W. H. Lance, H. M'Lellan, T. M'dalohie, Dr Maedoaald, H. N. Naldsr, T. A. W. Parsons, Dr Bouse, a I A. Rich, A. Reid, George Tayler, F. Ward, H. R. Webb, W. Whitby, G. S. Wiloox, W. Young, James Yale, with paver to add to their number. It wm rwolved tbat the Secretary notify member* of their election, and that a Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept 25. Mr Holmes suggested that there should be some show sport* held in conjunction with the regatta, and moved that a Oommitteo be formed to oarry them out. After the matter had been discussed, it wm decided tbat the matter would be considered at tbe next meeting of the Committee. Mr Cunningham moved, "That the Committee appointed be authorised to appoint Oommodore, Vice-Commodore, Stewards, Judge*, Ao, and arrange all matter* necessary for the carrying out of the Regatta successfully." Messrs M. Ward and F. G. Jenkins were appointed Auditors. Mr Jamea Snoswill, junior, upoke regarding the boat* used in tha Champion Whaleboat Raoe, and sugguUd that the race should be termed an InrUgid Gig Race, m then the Christchurch and Kaiapoi Clubs would be able to coo-pete, The matter was briefly discussed, and it wm stated tbat the question would reoeive every consideration by tbe Committee. Captain Whitby suggested that the Champion Sailing Race •bould not bo open to all comer*, m if it wm tho Canterbury vessels would stand no cbenoe of winning tho prise, and would not be represented. A vote of thanks to tbe retiring offioers, and a like compliment to tbe Chair harintr been passed, tbe meeting terminated.

Tmbibxh Death.— A woman named Mrs fllinam oommittod suioldo in Wellington last week by literally ripping hor side opon with o TMor. She had beon married 19 yoars, and always lived on tho host of terms with hor husband. Aii.n_.itD DiflQUAiiPioATioir of _nn Hon J. T. Pkaoock.— Regarding the motion of tho Hon J. Hall for a Solcob Committeo to inquire into tho disqualification or othorwiso of tho Hon J. T. Peaoook, it appoors, from tho dis.ronton whioh took plaoo in tho Legislative Counoil on tho subjoot, that Mr Peaoook was « molnbor of a Rivor Board, and as suoh had reooiv«d £50 a year undor tho Provinoial Counoil of Canterbury. When tho Abolition Aot passed, tho Govornor took tho plaoe of the Saperintondont, ond ib is thoroforo held by eomo that Mr Poooook holds on oflloo under tho Governor, and is consequently disqualified from holding a seat in th© Oounoil. ASbrioub OitAßan.~The Tablet devotes * leading artiolo to sorious ohargos wgarding fche managomont of publio sohools at Rangiora and Kaiapoi. It assorts that at Rangiora a Catholio ohild has boon flogged for not reading the Protestant Bible in the Govornmont sohool, and that at tho Kaiapoi sohool, tho mastor in oxplaining history about tho timo of Henry VIII, mado a wholesale ohargo as to tho usoiossness of priosts, ooniossion, indulgences, Ao, A Catholio parent sonb a oornSlaint against the teaoher to theSohool Board, toil was tho Chairman '• reply j— Aftor considering oarofully tho matter tbo oommittoo arrived at tho oonoluslon that Mr Rayner's (the teacher's answer was satisfactory, but in future tho same will not ooour again." Our contemporary continues s— •' Hore aro two •pooimens of what is ooourringin. Govornment sohools in Now Zealand, without tho remotost obanoo of rodress, ond what will most certainly happon frequently undor tho oew Bill should it booomo law. Catholios, in this event, must preparo thomsolvos for tho endurance of tho grossest injuries and insults at tho hands of Govornmonb schoolmasters and Sohool Boards. Thoir children will bo flogged for refusing to road tho Protestant Biblo i and their remonstranoos against tho ignoranoe and vulgar bigotry of Government schoolmasters will bo troatcd with tho cool Insolonoe with whioh tho ooroplainb of tho Kaiapoi Catholio parent has boon treated," Then tho Minister for Justice is ohargod with breaking his pledgo to tho Catholio votors of Kaiapoi, whoso support roturned him, and with tho importance of capital lottors ho is warned that "thoy will remember tho Hon 0. 0. Bowen, his broken word, tho flogged Catholio ohild, and tho Kaiapoi schoolmaster and tho Sohool Board."

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2951, 17 September 1877, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2951, 17 September 1877, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2951, 17 September 1877, Page 2