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Local & General

A aij-nal box is now in course of ereotion «t the Bangiora Bailway station. An auotion sale of fruit is announced by Hours B-auchamp and Bell for 12.30 on Fri* day. <<* A meeting of parents and guardians of children attending tho Boys' High Sohool was held yeaterday afternoon, when several resolutions were unanimously passed, as re-ported-else-there. Tho criminal sittings of the Bupreme Oourt were concluded yesterday afternoon by the conviction of Mario flimatti and hii wife of the orime of arson, for whioh they were sentenced to four years' penal servitude. At a meeting of the Moa Orcok Gold Mining Oompany held yesterday afternoon, at their effioss, Bangiora, Mr W. 0. Nicholls was appointed Managing Director, in the place of Mr J. Fulton, who, through various reasons, bad to relinquish the offioe. T. Graham, the defendant in tbo reoent disturbance case in Timaru, has laid an information against Oaptain Smith o* the Salvation Army, his 00-defendant in the samo case, foraß and battery last Sunday. The caso will be heard on Friday. Gold was shipped per the Mahinapua from Greymouth yesterday as follows .—National Bank of New Zealand, 2641ezs; Bank of Hew Zealand, 16-Oozs ; Bank of New South. Wales, lOSOozs; Chinese, 2450_b. From Hokitika the Mahinapua took away 8012oz -. A branch of tbe Canterbury Temperance Union has been established at Waikari. Tke Bey A. B. D. Tosswill is the President, and Messrs T. Armstrong, R. Truman, W. Beevea, J. Glendinning,' J. Bowie, J. Nioholson, and L. W. Tosswill, form tha Committee of Manage n ont. ■ , One of the Italian fishermen who discovered a deposit of auriferous sand on the Ninety Mile Beach, a few months ago, came to town to-day, and reported that about 30 men were at work on the beaob, making on the average*, about 5s a day^ eaoh. The emallneaa of this return is, he says, partially owitg to the want of a etream of water con* veniently situated for washing the " stuff." The Hon the Minister of Lands has presented to the Industrial Asiooiation a set of maps illustrative of the land tenure and density of population of the Colony, and also copies of the latest reports, of the Survey and Crown Lands departments, and on the Thermal Springs district. The maps are to be placed on view in the Association rooms, and will probably be sent to the Industrial Exhibition. A farmer named John Quinn, residing at Shirley, died suddenly yesterday. Ho had complained of feeling ill early in the morning, and had come to Ohristohuroh to consult Dr Doyle, who prescribed for him. On returning home he complained of a pain in the chest, and lay down. His wife went JSo see him about 12.30 p.m. and she found him dead. As Dr Doyle is unable to give a certificate of death, there will probat-ly be au inquest. The deoeased leaves a widow and several ohildren, for whom he was the bread-winner. Tho usnal monthly meeting of the Bangiora Literary Institute Oommittee was held last evening, the members present being Messrs G. Buckham (President), B. Maxwell, W. Best, B. Eva»s, A. H. Oanningbam, Ot. Bhorland, B. B. Gocd, _?. Boyd, and 0. I. Jennings. The treasurer read his monthly statement, which showed a balance in bard of £9 ls 3d. Three tenders for re flooring the hall, and four for painting the Institute buildings were read, and one in eaoh instance aoceptod. Financial business, and a few minor matters, then occupied attention for a short time, and the meeting adjourned with a vote of thanks to the chair. A number of members of the Canterbury ■Coursing Club met at The Shades yesterday, with the object of holding a Dog Show in connection with the Fapanui Club daring the doming season. No delegate of the latter Club attend *d, and as the members of the Canterbury Club were not unanimous as to the desirability of tho Olub oarrying out ths exhibition on its. own responsibility, the matter lapsed. Daring the disoussion that took place on the subject, the majority were of opinion that it would be better to establish a Kennel Club, and it is probable that in a few days a meeting of gentlemen interested will be called witb that objeot, There was a fair attendance last night at the Theatre BoyaL An- unrehearsed effect was given to the "soldier's dream" by the sudden upsetting of the korosone lamp which has farmed so oonspiouous an adjunct to the arrangements for the lecturer's convenience. At the cloae of the entertainment Mr Josh Piokersgill thanked the citizens of Christohuroh for the patronage they had, in these dull times, extended to the pantasoope. He also took the opportunity to announoo that to night had boen set apart for the *" brilliant, faoile and handsome leoturer" to -the show, and expressed his hope that he would have a orowded houae. A meeting of the Bangiera Domain Board was held at the Boad Board office, Ban* piora, on Monday afternoon ; present — Moaar * A. Parsons (OKairman), A. Ivory, J. Lilly, J. Luxton, M. Duncan, and B. Muloook. Me*3rs Lilly and Ivory reported having had soma necessary repairs done to the recreation or cricket ground. The Chairman was instructed to soe Mr Ensor, the trustee in Le Fleming's estate, re the division fonce between Ihe reserve and Le Fleming's property. It was resolved to inorease tho insurance on the racecourse grand stand from £100 to £150. Some financial business was then transacted, and a disoussion afterwards arose regarding the formation of a road to the racecourse reserve. Finally, Meisrs Lilly, Luxton, Ivory, and the Ohairman agreed to inspect aud report at another meeting. The Board then adjourned. Wo htvo been shown a sample of hemalito paint, of apparently excellent quality and brilliant colour, made from material diaoovsred in the neighbourhood of Little Biver. Tbe aamplo was forwardsd to Ohristohuroh by M"*"G. J. Blaok, of Akaroaewho states that throe years ogo he gave some to a paintor iv that township, who foed it for lettoring ou a glass window. The letters aro now, Mr Black affirm*, a? brilliant and clear as when first painted. It has alao been used for marking sheep with yery good results, being both bright and durable. Specimens of the unmixtd paiot have olso been sent to Christchurch. They appear of good colour and very even in quality, a groat desideratum in this class of paint. The deposit from which tho mineral was obtained is said to be of considerable extent, and easy of accoea. a The u*ual monthly meeting of tho Lower Heathcote School Committeo was held •on Monday evening; prosent— Mr J. B. March (Ohairman), the Bey S. Slocombe, Meisrs Coles, York, and Pavitt. A letter was read from Mr A. J. Abbott, resigning bis offico as Secretary aj.d la- necf, on the Committee, in conaequ"**.!--* 'f li'a removing from the district. Thu teaignuliuu was accepted, and it waß unanimously resolved to convey to Mr Abbott the boat tbanks of tho Committee for the valuuble services ho had rocdored, and their regret at his departure from the district. Mr A. B Pavitt was unanimously elected Seoretary. The Chairman explained- what had been done re wash-house at the master's houae, dividing fence, kc, and that he had been informed that tho tenders for the additions would be laid before* the Education Board at their next meeting. After transacting other bnsiness the Committee ad* jonrned.

A general meeting of the Canterbury Orioket Association will be held at the Com* meroial Hotel on Saturday at 8 p.m. Through a olerical error, the following nominations for the C.J.C. Spring Meeting were omitted :— Stewards' Stakes Handicap : Ealo ; Spring Steepleohaie : BavoniwoodMessrs 8. P. Andrews and Co. announce for noon to-morrow, at their Hereford street rooms, an unreserved auotion sale of furniture, singing birds, &o. The following items appear on the fourth page of this issue :— Talc : Chap. I.— " Dorothy, Wife of " (to be continued), Mr Miller and the Boys' High Sohool, Cricket, Durham street Wesley an Sunday Sohool. The Addington Braes Bind intends enlivening the quiet of that district with an open air ooncert on Thursday evening, oommenoing at 8 o'olook and concluding at 10 to be held on Mr Hopper's lawn. Mr Wolfe has been engaged by the Amateur Operatio Sooiety to take the prime), donna role in Offenbaoh'a opera " La Boulangere," whioh they intend to produce before the end of tho year. A speoial meeting of members of tho Working Men's Club is convened for 8 o'clook this evening, to give candidates for office an opportunity of expressing their views on the working of the club. In connection with Mr A. A. North's Choral olass, a ooncert is announosd for Thursday evening, in St John's sohoolroom. The cautata " David " is to be formed for the first time in thiß Oolony, and will be followed by a miscellaneous programme. A letter from the Minister of Lands' Offioe hao been received by Mr A. G. Howland, acknowledging the receipt of one from the Oommittee of the Industrial Association suggesting the cultivation of the hiokory, oak, elm, ash, Ac., and stating in reply that the sugges-' tion would be acted upon, and a quantity of the seeds of these trees ordered by the Government. The usual meeting of the Ashburton Borough Counoil was held on Tuesday evening ; present — Hiß Worahip the Mayor and Councillors Harrison, Nolson, St Hill, Scaly, Bird, A. Orr, and LBggett. Beforo commencing tho usual busineas it waa suggested that some further namei be added to Committee of the whole Council, formed last week for the purpose of collecting evidenco to place before the Mount Somers Bailway Commission. In accordance with this suggestion, . Messrs J. Ivoss, M.H.8., G. Jameson, A. . Roberts, D. Thomas, H. Friedlander, and J. ( Tuoker were eleoted. Tho other business of tho Oounoil was of a purely routine nature, t nothing of special importance cropping up. ( On Bnnday last a funeral sorvico waß held in the Kaiapoi Wesleyan Churoh, on the death of the late Mrs Joseph Turner, of Waverley. ( The churoh was draped in blaok, appropriate , hymas were seleoted, and the anthem " Oh, Death Where is lhy Sting" was solemnly rendered by the ohoir. An eloquent sermon was preached by Mr G. H. Simmonds, the reverend gentleman taking for hia text the 25th and 26th verses from tke 11th chapter of St John. The discourse touched briefly upon the charaoter of the deoeased lady, her good work in the cause of the Churoh, and the valuable aaiistanoe rendered by her in the several departments iv which she was in- , terested, The weekly meeting of the Lyttelton Mntual Improvement Sooiety was held in the Colonists' Hall last evening, the President in ' the ohair. The folio wing officers were elected for the on suing year : — President, Mr J. B. Milsom (re-eleoted) ; Vice-President, Mr 0. ; Leys ; Seoretary, Mr N.Galbraith ; Treasurer, Mr iiameaMaloolmson (re-elected) ; Librarian I and custodian, Mr W. Gibbons ; Oommittee, Bey J. Hill, Messrs Atkins, Dawe, and J. Brown. Business for Tuesday, Oot. 16 : Discussion, "Should seoondary and higher education bs free;" affirmative, Messrs G. Pitcaithley and J. B. Milsom ; negative, Messrs J. Dawe and W. Biley, sen. After a hearty vote of thanks to the retiring officers, the meeting dosed.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4813, 3 October 1883, Page 3

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Local & General Star (Christchurch), Issue 4813, 3 October 1883, Page 3

Local & General Star (Christchurch), Issue 4813, 3 October 1883, Page 3