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tale Advertisements. rAA BICYOLE Saddles at Gamage's— 01/U "Brood's Genuine Saddles reduced to 10a 6d and 12s 6d; Gamage's Best Quality English-made Saddles 5s 6d. Gamage's, S treet, Christchuroh. "OLUEMEL'S Best Quality Celluloid Mud--O guards 6s 6d set. Steel Guards 6a 6d set, Mudguard Flaps to fit on front guards 9d each, Chain and Hub Brushes Is each. Gamage's, High Street, Christchurch. T ADIES' Dress Nets for back mudguards i-i 2(s 6d, 4s 6d set, Dress Cold 9d and la boxes, Skirt Holders 6d pair, Book Carriers to fit on handle-bar 2s 6d each. Gamage's, High Street, Christchurch. rpROUSEB Ciifis, all kinds in stock, Lear X ther from Is 6d pair, Tweed 2s and 2s 6d pair; Cleaning Cloths 9d each, Spring PumpClips Is pair. Gamage's, High Street, Christchurch. . _ Jj _ QECOND-HAND Bicycles— Prices range (3 from £3, first-class machines from £5} terms arranged. Gamage's, High Street, Christchurch. OPERA 3OTJSE. A Complete Triumph. Extraordinary Attractions. CLEOPATRA - TO-NIGHT, CLEOBA.TEA \ . At 9.80 j The Beautiful Serpent Endjaffifcresa. BONTTA The Champion Lady BOMTA Rifle Shot of the Wcrid. In Conjunction with OUR SPLENDID VAUDEVILLE CO. Prices, 2s and la; 'Children Half-price. rpHEATRE ROYAL. Under the direction of Messrs Macmahon. CONTINUED MAGNCTFIOENT SUCCESS Of the Popular and Charming Actressy MISS FITZMAURICE GILL Suprkxrted by the 25 Mamlbers of MACMAHQN'S POWERFUL COMPANY. ANOTHER NOTABLE PRODUCTION. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING* AND TO-MORROW (TUESD'Air). ■The Truly Remarkable and Soul-stirring Military Drama, in 4 Acts, / THE FRENCH SPY. THE FREIN.CH SPY. WEDNESDAY. SEJPT. 27tn, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, Popular Prices— 3a, 2a and la. 8610 SCOTLAND'S GREATEST SINGER, JESSIE MACLACHLAN, Will Open her Christchurch Season at CANTERBURY HALL, THURSDAY, SEPT. 28th. Assisted by JOHN M'LINDEN, The Eminent /Cellist; And ' . ROBERT BUCHANAN, Pianist. The Plan, is now open, ait the Dresden. Day Sales and Early Doqr /Sales at Reddle's and Reunerte's. ■ - „ PRICES : ss, 3s, 2s, and Is. FREDERIC SHIPMAN, 417? Manager. Fyou want to SELL A BICYCLE, take it to the Cycle and Motor Mart, 112, Manchester Street. Auction Sale every Saturday, 1.30. 1379 MAYEB AND LANGDOWN. ANTED, a Cook. Apply Queen's Hotel. ; 3601_ "Ty^AWTED, Boilermakers and Fitters. Ap- ' i t( ply Tuesday morning, H. Smith, Lybtelton • 3619 WANTED, Man with Red Roee to turn the handle of Fail's Pork Sausage M>&chine. - '8496 W ANTED, by young 1 men, Furnished Bedroom! Siete terms, Permanent, " Star " Office. 3603 , WAINTED, Experienced Canvassers; live men. Appiy B with particulars, A.R., G.P.Q. 3606 " W "ANTED to SieflJ, Lady's Bicycle, almost newv free wheel; bargain." 19, Mansfield Avenue. 3623 WANTED to Buy, a Canoe Paddle (double), cheap. Apply, stating size, .Box 92, Chriatchuroh. " 3613 WANTED, Smart Lad to aflfcend motox-car and odd jobs. Apply evenings, 40, Pa?a-iui Road. 36-20 WANTED, Young Girl, 16, assist with housework; sleep et home. Apply 116 a, Barbadoes S'teeet. . 3611 WANTED Known— Fair's Pork Sausag-es a-re not toade of Bioyole'Tyxes; they're Pork thaxmg'houiti. 8496 WANTED Sell, almost new Rudge-Wfcit-worth Bicycle, free wheel. Apply Rudge, "Sitar" Office. 2162 WANTED Known— Seddonville 'State Coal can be procured from W. Peaaroe, Coal Merchant, Papanui Read, St Albans. 3625 WANTED, immediately, Coob-Geaonal-, JE4O; aiso Hous&-Parlourmaid, £33. Mrs H. Quane, Paparoa. Street, P«.panui. 8600 WANTED), Smart Youth for merohajwt'a offioe; typist preferred; salary £52 per annum. Apply Box 107, P. 0., Christohurch, • 3608 ANTED Known— Gent's Plain, or Nailed Blutohers 5s 6d a pair, no cardboard; James T. Main©, generally known as "Little Jim." ; WANTED, Housemaid for country ; good wages. Apply Mr 3 Murehiaonv O.«xcndon Hotel, before 10 a.m. or between 5 and 7 p.m. 3616 WANTED to * Purchase, Second-hand Leather Dining-room Suite; must bw cheap. Also, a Sideboard. J.W., ••Times" Officl . 8602 WANTED, about 100 Loads Good Soil for filling section, (JtoristeOiurch, south-westj Reply, etating price, 'to Gladstone, "Times" Offlce : __ ___. SBsa WANTED, by lady in office, Boaid and Residence in private family. Reply, sU/tine terms, to S.A., Box 337, P. 0., Cbnstchuroh; ■ 3607 AT>AME LEATH, Spiri-tuwl Medaum, Psysdognomiat and Clairvoyant, from London. Hours, 10 to 10. Chanrbeorq, 302, Oxford Terrace. Short season only. 3618 WANTED^ Influenza Mixture quickly cures f everishness, soreness of the musckfl, aching of the bones, racking cough, makes you fit to work, 2b. J. Berry, Chemist, 148, Colombo Street. ; W" ANTED, Rheumatism Cured by taking Rheumatic and Gout Remedy; if acts by dissolving the "uric acid," the cause of Rheumatism, Sciatio* and Gout, out of the 1 blood, 4a 6d. J. Berry, Chemist, 146 Ookmibo.Street, Christchurch. W' ANTED, for North Island, 2 Shophcrds, .' one as .head shepherd; for Canterbury,'! Station Foreman; compstant Ploughmen ;- Improve *° r Country Blacksmith; Seyeral Men do milking, gardening, etc.; Experienced Groom; Dairymen, Youths do milking, gxocmSng, etc.; Siation Housekeeper, mother and daughter preferred, 25s and 15s weekly. Apply J* McDonald, 103, Manchester Street, Telephone 497. BOOK-KEEPER offers premium to anyr one obtaining him Employment. ; Accoun'Unt, "Star" Office. . ; -3612 iptOMCPORTiAIBLE, Furnißhed) Rooms and \J Good Beds. 74, Lower Hdghi Stjeet. 8621 rEETWORKERS— A Nice "Bargain for you. Write for particulfurs, Fretwork, " Star Office, Chrifitchurch. 3604 FURNISHED Room to Lei, l*rg*. fireplace, suit married couple, copper, washhouee. Pike, 6, Oatehd Street. 3614 a TNVAILIDS' Chairs, Portable Coppers, Lent X on Hire; Go-carts, Perambulators, Furniture, Bedding. Pike, 6, Oashel Sireftt. 8614 L^OiST-~Groi'd Locket Pendani;, engtcved lfit--1 terimg 1 . " Reward on returning to Imper,ial_Hotel I__j1 __j __^ 3622 LITHOGRAPHY— Excellent Draughtsman, Artist and Illuminator (English) desires Situation. Write 7777, "Star* 1 Offioe, Chrietchurch. i 3605 S~ IN'G'EB'S Tr«adle Machine (Cabinet) for Saie; scarpiely used; cash price JE9. 102, Saliabury_Sfaeet. 3609 TO L©V No. 40, Tuam Street, lately occupied by A. A. Thornton. 55, o/urham Street. 3617 V AOAfNFOY for Young Men Boardera; a-teo. Furnished Bedroom, *uit married couple. 60, ' GHouceaiter ■StTeeti, 1 City. 3624 -Y»V)~WILL Purchase ManY Zealandda BidWiU cyol«.. Cycle and Motor Mar^ 112, Manchester Street. 8616 I?Q~ipi, : B.SA., 2»in, Man's Cycl«, Dunlops, perfect order. Cycle and Motor IMwrt. . , .'- : ■, ' . ; -•:-;,.■ : A Ar— MAN'S Storliniff, nearly new, Dunlops; <&O owner leaving- colony. Cycle «nd Motor Mart. A - •■ -„ . ' -••..- -'-■'■' .3615^ CY-OIiE and Motor M»rt,. ciheapießt houst> in Christohurch for Second-hand Cyd'es. 112, ManohesteT Street! ■ , 8615 i?/|— LADY'S Humber, low frame, Dunlops, dw^t good order. Cycllo and Motor Mnkb, U2, M«ach*stex Street, 861S

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 8430, 25 September 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 8430, 25 September 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 8430, 25 September 1905, Page 3